Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Advertising - Google AdSense

I decided to take the plunge and add Google AdSense to my blog, more to satisfy my own curiosity really, although I have heard of others who were able to replace their salaries! To be honest I never really click advertising when I'm browsing the web, however internet advertising has been booming for years so obviously plenty of other people do.

Signing up for AdSense is a pretty straightforward process, you just sign up with a google account and then wait a couple of days for your application to be processed. Once you have confirmation that your application has been successful however, the next steps are a little less obvious and I had to do a little digging to find out how to make ads appear on my page. I was surprised to see was how many different ad formats there are on offer! Check them all out at https://www.google.com/adsense/static/en_US/AdFormats.html

One clear advantage of adding AdSense is that it has fantastic reporting. You can see quite clearly how many page impressions are served, how many clicks on the ads, earnings etc, all in real-time. Quite useful info and makes up for the fact that I couldn't inherently find a page counter in Blogger itself.


alphafoobar said...

There are many different page counters available... google analytics for example. There are many more freely available with varying degrees of usefulness. And these can be added into your blogger blogspot blog via the template, or by adding an html/javascript component to your template, probably the same way you added Google adsense?

Jason said...

Cheers James, I've just added Google Analytics to my site! Knew there was a benefit to blogging about blogging...

Anonymous said...

People should read this.